

FREE Assessment lasting 30 minutes

Even without pain, you may be asymmetrical in the way you go about your daily activities, and whilst problems may not be apparent now, in time they will be! Ask yourself

  • How do I walk?
  • How do I sit at work?
  • How do I watch TV?
  • How do I use my laptop/ipad?
  • What is my driving position?
  • How do I know if my feet are not aligned?
  • How do I stand on my two feet?
  • Do I lean to one side?
  • How straight do I feel?
  • Have I pain I am choosing to ignore?

Osteopathy can answer all these questions and more. Top to toe, you may have some early warning signs with aches and pains which come and go. Over time through habit and age, they can take longer to go! Are you pushing yourself too hard physically? Bad habits are hard to shift so don’t wait - get the right advice now.

Sports people may find that through attending an osteopathic session, small postural adjustments give better comfort making training goals realistic and within reach.

Take a holistic look at your patterns of movement with me, click here and I will be in touch.

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